martes, 1 de mayo de 2007

Una Cinderella...Lucky??


Hoy...son las 13:37 y mucho no he hecho.Tuve que estudiar historia de chile con mi hermano (puaj)...materias de 6º basico...independencia de chile,colonia,patria vieja,nueva...que temas mas fomes,y mas encima estaba de lo mas emocionada explicandole que hizo Jose Miguel Carrera y el lindo estaba mirando por la ventana y me queda mirando y dice:¿Ah?.Bueno,ahi me enoje y lo deje botado con sus libros...y despues,mi dulce madre queria que hiciera puré dire como quedo eso jajaja, porque quiere hacer gnoccis...(en español...ñoquis jajaja)asi que mas rato tendre que ir a hechar harina y meter las manos(mis lindas manos mas mi brazo teletónico en la masa).

Y¿Saben?Mi brazo esta malito.Me sacaron sangre hace una semana,y de verdad,me di cuenta que me duele mucho y que por eso casi atropelle al tipo la otra vez,porque no alcance a doblar...fue como algo en el musculo.....aah no quiero pensar en musculos...puaj... Mmmm...algo mas sentimental...mmm...falta lo cursi del blog....aaaaah si...ahora que me acuerdo...¿Pueden creer que estoy escuchando el cd de Britney?El greatest Hits Ahora suena"Baby one more time" en la parte(8)Give me a sign....hit me baby one more time(8)Como que de verdad me gusta mucho Britney aunque me duela reconocerlo,y sea mi placer culpable.Ahora está sonando"Crazy",esa cancion no me gusta mucho,es como fome.Prefiero "Lucky"o"Overprotected".

Hare mis maletas hoy...para partir mañana casi madrugando(eso es mentira jajaja).Los dias nublados son como muy de mi recuerdan a él.

Playlist: Britney Spears-Greastest Hits

Y lejos una de mis canciones favoritas de Britney,musicalmente hablando y ademas por su letra,es esta.Me siento complemente identificada...y no por ser la empleadita de alguien,sino por escuchar las campanadas de las 12 y correr cual Cenicienta dejando hasta el zapato de cristal botado(siendo que son tan caros jajaja)Y la 2º Lucky,xq me encantaba cuando chica,yo me creia Lucky en el video(q verguenza reconocerlo)pero algo de la cancion tengo,llega a mi spearsneico corazon

Cinderella-Britney Spears

I used to be your girlfriend

And I know I did it well

Oh yes, you know it's true

You'd call me Cinderella

All you had to do was yell

And I'd be there for you

Here I am

So try to forgive me

I don't believe in fairy tales

Here we are

With nothing but honesty

I've had enough

I'm not gonna stay

I'm SORRY for RUNNING AWAY like this

And I'm sorry,

I've already made my wish


From time to time

I'd try to tell

Just what was on my mind

You'd tell me: "not today." "

Come back, do that Where's Cinderella at?"

Was all you had to say

I'm sorry for running away like this

And I'm sorry,

I've already made my wish

But Cinderella's got to go

I'm sorry, just trying to live my life

Don't worry, you're gonna be alright

But Cinderella's got to go

I used to say I want you

You cast me in your spell

I did everything you wanted me to

But now I shall break free from all your lies

I won't be blind, you see

My love, it can't be sacrificed

I won't return to thee

I'm so sorry

I've already made up my mind

I won't return to thee

I'm sorry to say

I'm running away now

Don't worry, you will be alright

I'm running away

I've made up my mind now

You're gonna have to let me go

'Cause she's gotta go

Lucky-Britney Spears

This is a story about a girl named Lucky…

Early morning, she wakes up

Knock, knock, knock on the door

It's time for makeup, perfect smile

It's you they're all waiting for

They go… "Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?"

And they say…

She's so lucky, she's a star

But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking

If there's nothing missing in my life T

hen why do these tears come at night

Lost in an image, in a dream

But there's no one there to wake her up

And the world is spinning, and she keeps on winning

But tell me what happens when it stops?

They go… "Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?"

And they say… Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl?

She is so lucky, but why does she cry?

If there's nothing missing in her life

Why do tears come at night?

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